VsourceS was established with a vision to provide world-class HR services for small and medium businesses

The firm’s services include HR Advisory, HR Outsourcing, HRMS tool, HR Audit, Talent Acquisition, Employee Learning, Compensation Benchmarking, Payroll management & Statutory compliance. We are a dynamic and fastest-growing HR solutions provider in all major cities of India like Delhi, Mumbai, and Bangalore.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus consequuntur, vim ad prima vivendum consetetur.
VsourceS is your partner towards designing & developing HR interventions so that you focus on the core business challenges. We believe we can help create many great places to work through the sheer power of world-class people practices.


Generally, ‘audit’ is misunderstood as ‘inspection of mistakes’. But, it can be just the opposite and yet very interesting if auditors take a fresh look at the processes and procedures and suggest solutions in doing the same job in a simpler way.

HR Advisory Services

Based on the rich experience of the senior leadership at VsourceS, organisations can benefit in further streamlining their HR strategy.

HR Consulting Projects

There are times when the Organizations require specialist HR services for specific interventions or projects that are generally time bound and not perennial in nature.

Hiring Talent Acquition

We take this opportunity to offer specialized recruitment services across wide-ranging business functions. Our recruitment service is simple, yet value adding.

Employee Learning & Development

Those Organizations grow that are open to learning and development. There are institutions that lay emphasis on continuous learning at all levels.

Payroll Management and Statutory Compliances

Compensation is an area that attracts the maximum attention of the employees. An effective compensation management and benefit program is one that reduces the operational efforts and maximizes the monetary gains.

Compensation Benchmarking

Total Reward Management is a practice focused on providing high impact, high quality, best fit customised solutions to its clients towards enhancing organisation and individual performance.

Leadership Mentoring Programs

Many organizations invest in creating a leadership pipeline that can address upcoming challenges. The focus for such a program comes from the top leader.

HR Consulting Projects

There are times when the Organizations require specialist HR services for specific interventions or projects that are generally time bound and not perennial in nature.

End to end outsourcing